Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Water Testing is Key!

At this point in the year, our classroom trout have successfully graduated from eggs to alevin to the fry stage, or 'Parr' stage of their lives.  Can you see the Parr Marks on these Lansing Elementary brook trout?

Over the past month, we've seen that our trout can hunt and eat other small creatures, like Daphnia... or smaller trout.  They are always hungry, and ready to do some serious growing, but it is important to stick to a careful feeding plan.  You'll know if you are being a little too generous with the trout food when you conduct regular water testing.  If those Nitrogen levels (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) are creeping up, you need to cut back.

This is a great time to engage your students is regular water testing, and growth charting, if you haven't already done so.  We have a complete set of instructional videos on water testing procedures for teachers and students!  Each is 3 minutes long.  All are available on the "Tech Support" page. 


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