Hi all! I visited Caroline Elementary School a week ago (4/7) and released trout from Caroline and other schools into Six Mile Creek behind the school. You can check out the
Caroline trout release video in our "Trout in the Classroom Online 2020" Google Photos album. For those of you interested in exploring the site with your families: I walked through the playground to the nature trail, but there is a better access point further down the trail from where I released the trout (and don't worry your trout will find their way downstream). I encourage anyone who is interested to go look at your trout's new habitat, or just look remotely from the video, and think about what features might particularly shock them coming from their life in captivity.
Caroline students, if you have any questions you can tell Ms. Antczak or MS. Chapman or Ms. Makela, or send them to us and we will answer them in a future video!
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