OK, now, we're going to head inside where its warm, and grab a paper coffee filter (leftover from back when we used disposable filters!) to get a better look. I'll let the whole pool sample filter through, and then rinse whatever gets caught off into a smaller container with some clear water. Do you think we'll find anything moving?
Take a look....
Using just my phone camera, here are some close ups... not the best quality, but again: just with a very old iPhone.
Mosquito larva (midge)...

And wait, what's this... could it be? Everyone in the Trout in the Classroom knows what this little one is... DAPHNIA! Look at that bright green gut!
(You can find a better image of Daphnia right on this blog, in the Images page!)
Yep. This temporary little pool of water is where our forest (and stream!) foodweb begins. We'll think more about what eats daphnia later this week. Trout classes, you ought to know!
For complete instructions to help you through this activity, see the "For Teachers" page!
~ Bill, aka, "The Trout Guy"
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